DIMA custom design & manufacture ricotta “whey cheese” production line fully automated with guaranteed hygienic processing & high efficiency including ricotta “Insulated Tank” (coagulator tank) and “Draining Belt” both designed and manufactured in compliance with all the appropriate criteria of the covering 3-A Sanitary Standards.
The system eliminates the traditional man work and ensure a fully automatic processing system.
- Modular and compact construction
- Constancy and homogeneity of the “ricotta” produced for each batch production
- Fully automatic system (no manual handling of the product)
- Production capacity adjustable as per Customer’s needs
- The drainage action (performance) is adjustable as per the production requirements
- Fast process
- Cost, space and energy’s consumption saving thank to the automaton process.
- Very simple operation
- Closed and hygienic design, allowing however operator’s inspection, following the latest industrial hygienic and safety requirements
- C.I.P. perfectly cleanable
- Manual or automatic control with PLC control of the working and cleaning phases .