Specifically designed machine for continuous curd cutting and cooking-stretching of any kind of “pasta filata” cheese: mozzarella, fior di latte, pizza-cheese, provolone, scamorza, ….
Particularly indicated for very soft cheeses with high humidity content, such as buffalo mozzarella and Italian traditional fresh mozzarella.
The machine is complete with curd slicer and cooker stretcher with double section of stretching
- Compact dimensions
- Easy use and operation
- Great production flexibility and excellent performance
- Suitable for small and medium-sized dairies as well as lab production
- Continuous or batch working, as per user’s wish
- Water cooking stretching machine
- Equipped with double (two) stretching and kneading arms sections
- Adjustable speed of the cutting in the curd slicer as per the production requirements
- Adjustable speed of the tow augers in the heating and pre-cooking section as per the production requirements
- Adjustable speed of the cooking-stretching in the two stretching and kneading arms sections, independently, as per the production requirements
- The flow and quantity of the cooking water is adjustable in accordance to the production capacity and product’s specifications and characteristics
- Automatic control of the temperature of the cooking water
- Includes the vat for preparing, heating and recirculating the water necessary for cooking & stretching
- Equipped with frequency converters which make the operation extremely simple. Speed regulation done via push buttons located on the control panel.
Optional features
- Indirect heating of the cooking water through overheated water / or steam (indirect steam heating) (mod. DM16-2T/S)
- Curd slicer provided separately from the machine with curd auger elevator.